
Jackie Robson TI Level 2 Coach

Jackie has always loved swimming and spent her formative years as a club swimmer.  After a long break, she discovered triathlon but was often found huffing and puffing after the swim leg until she was introduced to Total Immersion 8 years ago.  After a few sessions she hopped out of the river during Windsor Triathlon as fresh as a daisy and is now often found in a lake or a river. She now enjoys longer distance swims and has taken part in the Bantham Swoosh, the Jubilee 10K plus the length of Coniston and Ullswater and a Channel relay.  As a former karate instructor, the kaizen ethos of Total Immersion really appeals to Jackie.

Jackie became a Mum in 2018 and decided to finish her career in Customer Experience and Research to focus on her son’s and her passion for swimming. She completed her TI coaching apprenticeship with Tracey Baumann and loves passing on the skills of effortless swimming to all ages and abilities in the Endless Pool in Wraysbury.

Fiona (Flo) Johnson  Swim Mastery Coach

Fiona has always loved being in water but had never had formal lessons beyond school swimming and had barely attempted front crawl. Pools closing during Covid prompted her to seek out open water which rapidly became her happy place and as soon as pools were able to open she booked an introductory assessment at SwimSolutionS.  As an older swimmer, the SwimMastery approach using joint mechanics and physics really appealed to Fiona – aiming for an effortless stroke while keeping the joints safe.

Within 3 years she had swum from Asia to Europe across the Bosphorus, a distance of 6.5 km in 1 hour 17 mins; completed an English Channel Relay with the SwimSolutionS Starfish team; and swum from Finland to Sweden crossing the Arctic Circle.

With a background in teaching, the natural next step was for Fiona to become part of the international SwimMastery coaching community by completing the SwimMastery Coach training and the Swim School Instructor training with Tracey Baumann in order to pass on her passion for efficient swimming at the SwimSolutionS Endless Pool in Wraysbury.

Fiona also has the STA Swimming Teachers’ Safety Award, is a qualified Open Water Lifeguard and is a member of the safety team at one of the local lakes.