

Are you in control of your feet when you swim? Blog post by Simon Griffiths, H2Open Magazine

How much are you aware of your kick when you swim? And how important do you think it is? Until relatively recently I had the following beliefs about kicking in front crawl swimming: Kicking adds little if any speed to your swim – especially in long distance swimming or when wearing a wetsuit – therefore the best policy was not

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Total Immersion in the English Channel

Cross Channel World Record Attempt Total Immersion (UK)  along with Elivar are proud to be a sponsor for the team who are planning an attempt on the speed record for swimming across the English Channel. TI  Master Coach, Tracey Baumann, is working with some members of the team giving Video Stroke Analysis and technique advice. Wayne Soutter, the Team Lead,

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Open Water Coaching at Liquid Leisure ***NEW***

SwimSolutionS Offering Open Water Coaching at Liquid Leisure.